Travel Fail: 9 Destinations to Skip in 2024

9. Atacama Desert, Chile: textile waste dumping; travel sustainably and responsibly.

8. Ha Long Bay, Vietnam: pollution from boats and tides; choose eco-conscious cruises; manage expectations.

7.  Athens, Greece: Over-tourism, locals impacted; visit in winter or explore lesser-known Greek destinations.

6. Lake Superior, Canada/US: Water quality concerns from tourism; choose smaller towns, be mindful of water usage.

5. San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, California: disrespectful tourists, resource limitations; practice responsible wilderness etiquette.

4. Mount Fuji, Japan: Long lines, environmental concerns; consider off-season visit or alternative hikes.

3. Koh Samui, Thailand: trashed beaches, water scarcity issues; explore lesser-known islands.

2. Ganges River, India: polluted, exploitative cruises; opt for land-based experiences.

1.  Venice, Italy: overcrowded, locals fleeing, sinking city; wait for sustainable tourism solutions.


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