Dive into Paradise: Witness Humpback Whales in their Maui Playground!

Maui is a top spot to see humpback whales, with over half the North Pacific population visiting.

Whales arrive in December; peak season is January–March; and they leave by late April.

Shore Sightings: Spot whales from Lahaina, Ka'anapali Beach, and Ma'alaea Bay during peak season.

February offers optimal whale watching and the Maui Whale Festival.

Catamarans, Zodiacs, sailboats, rafts, kayaks, and snorkeling/paddling tours are available.

 Lahaina: Most tours depart here, with Zodiacs offering close encounters and guaranteed whale sightings.

Kihei & Ma'alaea: Kayaking tours, eco-friendly boat tours, and guaranteed sightings are available.

What to Wear: Pack waterproof gear, long pants, sneakers, and binoculars for zodiac/raft tours.

Sun Protection: Bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat due to strong UV rays.

 Whale Activities: Witnessing courtship, mating, calving, breaching, and unique whale songs.

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