9 interesting facts about hummingbirds

53 hummingbird species flit & zoom across Costa Rica, at home in its mountains & highlands.

Their wings move around 60 times per second.

 These little guys are very smart! A hummingbird has the largest brain of any bird relative to its body size.

Hummingbirds spend more than half of their time preening, chirping or at rest.

 The species is endemic to the Americas: that means that it is only found in the Americas and nowhere else.

The hummingbird has a big heart, representing 2.5% of its total weight.

Hummingbirds’ muscles allow them to reach surprising speeds of 50 to 95 km/h when diving during courtship.

A hummingbird's heart can beat up to 1,200 times per minute.

The largest hummingbird is the giant hummingbird, which lives in South America. It is 8 inches in size.


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